Лекуващ лекар: Д-р Нури

Patient is 50 years old. Clinical findings include: severe chronic periodontitis, tooth mobility, atrophy and bone loss observed in the distal segments of the maxilla and mandible. Impaired aesthetics, occlusion and function. Active smoker.

The treatment plan includes: extraction of all teeth, placement of 12 BasalFix immediate basal and compressive (single-unit) dental implants in the maxilla, and 9 BasalFix immediate bicortical and compressive dental implants in the mandible, and prosthodontics using GC aesthetic ceramics laser. Colour B1. No need for sinus-lift and bone augmentation. 

Completely painless.

Treatment period: 6 days

Treating doctor: Dr Nuri

Treating doctor: Dr Nuri

  1. After treatment with BasalFix immediate loadable dental implants lasered with GC aesthetic ceramics in Nurident.

2. Before starting treatment.

3. Upper jaw prior to treatment.

4. Lower jaw prior to treatment.

5. Panoramic X-ray before treatment.

6. Panoramic X-ray with BasalFix immediate loadable dental implants placed and cemented constructions lasered with GC aesthetic ceramics.

7. Cemented structures lasered with aesthetic ceramics GC. (maxilla)

8. Cemented structures lasered with aesthetic ceramic GC. ( mandible).

9. Smile before treatment.

10. Complete makeover at Nurident Implant Center.